ST. James Town

240 HUB

St. James Town is a vibrant and growing community, and on the 9th of August, the neighbourhood launched the City’s first Share and Reuse Hub, the 240 Hub ( known as The Corner @ 240). Located at 240 Wellesley, the Hub aims to support a culture of reusing, sharing, repairing, and repurposing items to prolong their life. 

Funded by The City of Toronto, the 240 Hub and its initiatives build sustainable communities by:

  • educating residents about the importance of waste reduction and reuse
  • providing opportunities for sharing and repairing
  • offering skills training and creating job and economic opportunities
  • creating a space for community members to gather.      

What we offer

At The Corner @ 240, we have established collaborations with various sustainability organizations and experts to offer a diverse range of services and programs. These include Counseling, Housing, and settling-in support, Senior programs, Employment assistance, Public phone, and computer services, a Library of Things, Repair services, Sewing and Mending services, a Bike clinic, a Waste Diversion, a Green cafe, Green market, Jewelry making, Crafting workshop, and Gardening workshop, among many others. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive and inclusive range of programs and services to our community.

Library of Things

At The Corner @ 240, residents have the opportunity to borrow a variety of items for a short duration. The Tool Library is a notable feature offering Milwaukee tools to professional members who have paid for membership. The Digital Library offers laptops and tablets. Additionally, residents can also borrow party equipment, sports and camping gear, board games, and many other items.

Repair Services

 At The Corner @ 240, we extend repair services to all our residents. Our comprehensive range of services includes repairing home and electronic appliances, digital devices, small furniture, watches, jewelry, bags, shoes, and much more. We take pride in our ability to restore and refurbish many items and also offer guidance on how to repurpose and reuse items that cannot be brought back to their original use.

Sewing and Mending Services

Our volunteers who live at St. James Town Community offer sewing, mending, and alteration services for clothing, fabrics, and household items of various types.

Bike Clinic

If you live in St. James Town and are in need of bike repair, maintenance, or refurbishment, you’re in luck. Additionally, you have the opportunity to become a member of the neighborhood bike club, which organizes group rides and other fun events.

Waste Diversion

The St. James Town Community and The Corner @ 240 have joined forces to tackle the issue of waste segregation and diversion in a systematic way. Together, they have initiated several waste diversion programs that involve recycling furniture, books, electronic waste, organic waste, and fabric waste. These programs, including the Crafting Workshop, are making significant strides in recycling organic, clothing, and textile waste, which has been a major concern in the community. As a result, the environment and climate are experiencing positive changes. 

Green Cafe

The Green Cafe was founded with the aim of offering affordable, warm, fresh, and healthy vegetarian meals that have been widely appreciated by numerous residents, especially seniors. The cafe is currently being held three times a week (Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday) due to its popularity.

Market Greens

 There is a non-profit market(Market Greens)that offers fresh and affordable produce, powered by Sherbourne Health. The market has established itself as a well-known name and every Wednesday, residents can buy subsidized produce.